TSGKTM: Temporary Birthday Update!

Hey there everyone! Welcome to my first ever devlog post.

Today is July 5th, which means that it's TSGKTM's birthday today! And to celebrate this, I made a little birthday update for the game that makes the level look a lot more festive and I also made a new song for the game! But this update will only be playable for a week, which means that on July 12th the game will return back to normal! Besides all of this there are also four things I have fixed:

  • When you collect the key, it will become impossible to play the jumping  and landing sound effects.
  • Some collision masks have been fixed so that you'll no longer fall through jump-through platforms without pressing ↓
  • The jump-through platforms on the right-center of the screen have been turned into 1 big platform.
  • If you jump and keep holding left/right even though you've already hit the ground, Jerry's animation will change back to the idle animation instead of staying as the falling animation.

Other bugs are hopefully going to be fixed in the next update on July 12th!